Wednesday, May 8, 2019

1967 Ford Mustang

1967 Ford Mustang
If you are a movie fanatic like me then you remember  the 2000 movie “gone in 60 seconds” starring Angelina Jolie, Nicolas Cage and another star “Eleanor”…a vehicle star if it is even right to say so. Well, the role of Eleanor was played by the 1967 Ford Mustang GT 500.
One of the most instantly recognizable Mustangs is this one from ‘Gone In Sixity Seconds’. Named Eleanor, it accompanied Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie and Robert Duvall in a feature about an ex-car thief that had to steal 50 cars in one night.
Initially CVS made twelve Mustangs for movie, most which served different purposes. Some were forcused on performance or static display and two were destroyed during the filming of the final jump scene.
Before selecting the 1967 Ford Shelby GT 500, the producers had toyed with the idea of using the very rare and expensive Ford GT40. However, they shelved the idea of using the GT40 due to the difficult stunts that needed to be performed. However, the wheels of the Eleanor were borrowed from the GT40.

1967 Ford Mustang Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Ardinal Syafrul


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